Our Services
From product innovation to continuous software delivery
Product Consulting
& Innovation

Proven ROI based product innovation approach for dreamers seeking to build a digital product with an idea

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Agile Development

Specialized teams to cater to your unique ongoing digital product development needs from small to large scale applications

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On Demand
IT Services

An affordable pool of on-demand specialized IT services for startups and enterprises for everyday IT needs

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From product innovation to continuous software delivery
Why Us
We love what we do
Years in business
Clients recommend us
Solutions developed
Case Studies
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We create long term partnerships with our clients
Trusted, Collaborative, and Valued Partners

"WeDigTech was without a doubt the best choice OVAL could have made for this production. They have been trusted, collaborative, and valued partners from the beginning of the project and long after the initial production ended."

Mike Harry
Oval (CEO, OVAL Digital Inc.)
A Full-Stack Development House

“I've been working with the team at WeDigTech for nearly 3 years now and it has been a pleasure working with them. They are incredibly hard working and honest, and have all the skills and experience that you expect from a full-stack development house.”

Patrick Deehan
Music Wellness App (Founder)
Successful Partnership

“Having worked on the first version of the app, WeDig Techsolutions is the exclusive developer for the next iteration of Earnster For Teens. Users reacted positively to their work and feel the platform is more accessible. The team’s involved collaborative skills and responsive communication are key to the successful partnership.”

Candace Walker
Founder, Earnster Inc.
Quality Driven Process

“In regard to the aforementioned project, the latest development was over a 3 month period. We have been working extensively with Wedigtech for the last 8 years with several large projects. It is due to their commitment to quality work and timely deliveries that we have focused all our outsourcing with them. Very good english skills overall and a strong support team for any of the technologies we asked them so far. Highly recommended.”

Audio Video Unlimited
VP- IT Systems
Pro-user approach

"WeDig's approach to technology and software development is unlike anything I have had the privileged to be a part of and I have worked and collaborated with some of the biggest names in IT such as IBM, AOL, Sapient, and QinetiQ."

Kareem Bacho
Founder - Visualroom
Complete package

“WeDigTech team has amazing programmers and they worked on a project owned by the HILTON for me. I can only say that you ask it and they do it...it can be done!”

Allen Rubin
Owner - Southbay Website Design
Scaling-up abilities

“WeDigTech is a great company to work with. They offer quality services combined with reliable communication.”

Messiah Jacobs
tapReplay (co-founder)
Scaling-up abilities

“WeDigTech is a great company to work with. They offer quality services combined with reliable communication.”

Messiah Jacobs
tapReplay (co-founder)
Our Clients
Trusted by 100+ Startups and enterprises in 10+ countries
To help envision your technology-driven future
Digital Product Innovation Whitepaper

Download our 幸运五分钟快速查询澳洲结果-历史结果、直播计划澳洲的幸运5号码 whitepaper on digital product innovation framework to create a robust roadmap for innovating your next big idea with us.

Case Studies

See our portfolio of innovative products, Agile Developement projects and On-Demand IT implementations.

Wondering how we can help you increase for your software development ROI?
Get in touch to know more
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